I’m still alive, btw.

I took a break from all things cod­ing be­cause (1) I was lazy and (2) I’m go­ing to have ex­ams. My WakaTime pro­file looked empty for weeks be­cause I had no cod­ing ac­tiv­ity.

I still have good news though.

If you’re a reg­u­lar reader of my blog (I don’t think any­one reads my blog in the first place 😦), you’ll no­tice that this blog looks new and fancy and clean and some posts are miss­ing. Well, I cre­ated a blog from scratch and used a re­verse-en­gi­neered Notion API called Potion. So now all I have to do is write stuff in Notion and it shows up here! Kudos to this ar­ti­cle!

Also I hit 100 fol­low­ers on Instagram! It’s just 100 bro, not a big deal. Yeah I get it, it’s only a 100 fol­low­ers but I started my ac­count some­where in late November and I started post­ing ac­tively only in December, so I con­sider it quite an achieve­ment to have 100+ fol­low­ers in just a few months! So thanks every­body for that!

And yeah, I started us­ing neovim, a vari­ant of Vim with ex­tra stuff. Thought I would try it and asked some pro coders to help me, fol­lowed some on­line tu­to­ri­als and my neovim looks just like my VSCode setup. The only thing I can­not stand and un­der­stand is WHY DO YOU GUYS COMPLICATE STUFF? There’s HJKL in­stead of WASD and then there’s com­mands. :w and :q and :wqa and :q!, I mean, WHAT IS THIS THING? Might take a while for me to get used to it. 😶

I was chill­ing and saw this re­ally cool tool by pketh called Kinopio. Basically, it’s a visual think­ing tool” and you can cre­ate mind-maps with Glitch.com-like drag-and-drop boxes and UI (fun fact: pketh used to work at Glitch :D). I was won­der­ing if I could recre­ate some­thing like the drag and drop boxes and I was pretty sure I could. At first. At least that’s what I thought.

Yeah I really thought I could easily recreate something like that.

Yeah I re­ally thought I could eas­ily recre­ate some­thing like that.

I de­cided to cre­ate a raw pro­to­type with vanilla JavaScript, and then grad­u­ally move onto VueJS. Instead of just us­ing DOM events, I de­cided to use in­ter­act.js to make things eas­ier for me. Creating a drag­gable el­e­ment was the eas­i­est part. So I went for the next step, which was sav­ing the po­si­tion of the el­e­ment. It’s some­thing that is easy to do, and I don’t know, I might be do­ing it wrong by overly com­pli­cat­ing it which is how I nor­mally do things. But us­ing lo­cal­Stor­age to save the co­or­di­nates and re­fresh­ing to see if the box re­mains at its spot did not work. I logged the lo­cal­Stor­age val­ues at the time of ini­tial­iza­tion and sav­ing, and they all show me what I want to see, but when I re­fresh the page, the box goes to some ran­dom co­or­di­nates which was saved some time ago.

I’m gonna re­visit this pro­ject some­time later, along with all my un­fin­ished side pro­jects. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I also down­loaded Pokemon Go re­cently, gotta say it’s a re­ally great game and it’s in this grey zone of ad­dic­tive and not ad­dic­tive, which I re­ally, re­ally like.
